

The London Borough of Lambeth continues to develop its Youth Games profile throughout the community. Working in partnership with GLL/Better, young people either through participating or volunteering have the opportunity to engage within prestigious LYG competitions throughout the year.

The borough in recent years has made excellent strides in developing its Youth Games teams by working closely with various community organisations, clubs, coaches and specific schools.

The borough has seen over the years a number of young people who have gone on to perform at International level. To support this development, Lambeth and GLL/Better provide a Gifted and Talented Programme that looks to strengthen a young person’s sporting opportunity and career.

Name: Rodney Craig 


Telephone: 02079260396













To get involved in our competitions, you will need to contact the BTO in your borough or via the LYG App you can register your interest.

Only a BTO or nominated Team Manager (TM) can enter a competition. A Borough can enter any number of Borough/ Open/ Schools competitions with a maximum of 1 team per competition. 

A competitor is eligible to represent a borough if they are a resident or attend a school or college of further education in that borough. You cannot represent more than one borough in the same competition but competitors are allowed to compete for different boroughs in different competitions.