Rules and Regulations: Handball (Open)

Last updated: May 7, 2024

Download a PDF here – LYG24 Handball Rules.doc.

HBA 1 The London Youth Games Basketball competition will run in accordance with England Handball National Schools Competition Guide

HBA 1.1 In the event any rules outlined below contradict those found in the England Handball National Schools Competition Guide these will supersede those.

HBA 1.2 It will be at the discretion of the event referee and LYG personnel as to the application of these rules, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.

HBA 1.3 The Tournament Organisers reserve the rights to alter or amend the playing schedule if necessary and make decisions on any matters arising during the tournament, including any matters not covered by the tournament regulations.

HBA 2 Age Category

HBA 2.1 The following age groups and respective maximum date of births will apply to the London Youth Games Handball Competition:

Age Category Oldest DOB Youngest DOB
U14 01/09/2009 31/08/2012

HBA 2.2 Competitors are not permitted to enter this competition if they are ineligible. No exceptions will be made.

HBA 2.3 It is the responsibility of competitors/parents/team managers/local authority staff to ensure all competitors details are entered correctly at the time of submission, and that they are eligible to compete for their borough under the London Youth Games Games Rules, and in accordance with the age groups outlined for the competition.

HBA 2.3.1 In the instance a competitor is found to be ineligible, they will be disqualified from the competition entirely, and the borough will receive a points penalty as per the Games Rules.

HBA 3 Eligibility None

HBA 4 Squad Size Boroughs are permitted to nominate a minimum of 7 competitors and a maximum of 20 competitors.

HBA 4.1 Boroughs are permitted to bring 16 competitors on the day however only 7 will be on court at one time.

HBA 5 Kit & Equipment

HBA 5.1 All players must have numbers on the front and back of their shirts, which are clearly visible. Numbered bibs are acceptable. Please ensure teams have a second coloured kit – even if this is a set of coloured bibs.

HBA 5.2 Outfield Players must have uniform colours across the team.

HBA 5.3 Goal Keepers must be in a separate colour to outfield players. Goalkeeper gloves are not permitted.

HBA 5.4 Regular glasses are not permitted, and players must wear sports-specific glasses E.g. soft frame with band holding/fixing glasses to player’s head. Players will not be allowed to play with regular unsecured glasses.

HBA 5.5 Players must wear suitable sports shoes for an inside surface.

HBA 5.6 No objects must be worn that could be dangerous to the players or give players improper advantages. This includes, for instance, head protection, face masks, gloves, bracelets, watches, rings, visible piercing, necklaces or chains, earrings, glasses without restraining bands or with solid frames, or any other objects which could be dangerous.

HBA 5.4 Ball sizes will be size 1 for boys and size 0 for girls.

HBA 5.5 Court sizes will be minimum 30m x 16m (Max 40m by 20m) with 3m x 2m goal at each end.

HBA 6 Competition Format

HBA 6.1 Round robin format into knockouts/play off for final positions.

HBA 6.1.1 No seeding. Groups will be allocated at random.

HBA 6.1.2 Number of groups and group sizes will be subject to entry numbers.

 HBA 6.2 Matches will be 12 minutes one-way.

HBA 6.3 The exact format of the competition including game length will be determined by number of team entries and confirmed upon the close of registration.

HBA 7 Competition Rules

HBA 7.1 The following rules apply to Court Players;  

HBA 7.1.1 Players must throw and catch the ball using hands and arms to pass to teammates.

HBA 7.1.2 Players can bounce the ball with one hand and catch it again, they must not bounce the ball after it has been caught (see rule 7.1.2).

HBA 7.1.3 Players can take a maximum of 3 steps before making a dribble or pass.

HBA 7.1.4 Players can move outside of the goal areas. If a court player enters the goal area, then it will be an opposing goalkeeper throw.

HBA 7.1.2 A free throw will be given to the defending team for the following offenses:

  • Using feet to block or kick the ball.
  • Holding the ball for more than 3 seconds.
  • Bouncing the ball, catching it and then bouncing the ball again.
  • Taking more than 3 steps with the ball.
  • Charging at an opponent or running into a defender.
  • Keeping possession of the ball without creating a scoring chance.

HBA 7.2 The following rules apply to Defenders;  

HBA 7.2.1 Defenders must use hands and arms to block the ball. In the instance that a player pulls or hits the ball out of the hands of the attacking player then a free throw will be given to the attacking team.

HBA 7.2.2 Defenders must make frontal body contact with the attacking player. They must not hold the attacking player’s body/ shirt or push, run or jump into them or a free throw/progressive punishment will be awarded to the attacking team.

HBA 7.2.3 Defenders must stay outside the goal area. They must not use the goal area as a defensive position otherwise a 7m throw will be awarded to the attacking team.

HBA 7.3.4 Defenders must be at least 3m from attaching players at a restart throw. If they interfere with a attacking plater during a restart throw then a free throw/progressive punishment will be awarded to the attacking team.

HBA 7.3.4 Man to man-marking: Teams are not allowed to individually mark a single opposition player i.e. prevent one player. If one player man marks then the rest of the team must implement a man-to-man defence.

HBA 7.3.5 Defensive formation: Teams must defend with 2 lines of defenders. Teams are not allowed all their players around the goalkeeper area in a 6:0 defence

HBA 7.2 The following rules apply to Goalkeepers;  

 HBA 7.2.1 Goalkeepers are permitted to touch the ball with any part of the body inside the goal area. If they take the ball into the goal area from outside the 6m line then a free throw will be awarded to the attacking team.

HBA 7.2.2 Goalkeepers can leave the goal without the ball and play as an outfield player. In the instance that a Goalkeeper leaves the goal area with the ball then a free throw will be awarded to the attacking team.

 HBA 8 Overall Scoring Points will be awarded for each match to give a borough’s overall placing in the round robin stage of the competition.

HBA 8.1 The following points will be awarded:

  • 3 points for a win
  • 2 points for a draw
  • 1 point for a loss

 HBA 8.2 The top placed teams in each round robin pool will advance to the quarter final knockout stage. Number of teams progressing to finals will be subject to number of groups/group sizes.

HBA 8.2.1 In the event of a tie in the groups at qualifying stage, group placings shall be resolved as follows (in this order):

  • Goal difference
  • Goals scored
  • Head-to-head (the result between the two teams tied)
  • Penalty shoot-out (4 shots)
  • Sudden death penalty shoot-out

HBA 8.3 Final Positions Points allocated based on final positions and group placings – all teams achieving same group position awarded equal position.

HBA 8.4 Incomplete competition In the event that the competition is cancelled or suspended, the following steps will be used to calculate a final result:

  • The furthest completed stage of competition will be used to countback.
  • Any teams tied on position will be separated based on the rules which determine group position, using averages.
  • The minimum competition required to determine a result is a completed stage.

 HBA 9 Medals & Trophies Medals and trophies will be awarded as follows:

HBA 9.1 Overall Borough medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams per gender and a trophy awarded to the winners of the event.