Rules and Regulations: Kayaking (Open)
Download a PDF here – LYG24_Kayak_Sprint_ Info_Rules
KYK 1 The London Youth Games Kayak Sprint competition will run in according to the rules listed below.
KYK 1.1 It will be at the discretion of the event referee and LYG personnel as to the application of these rules, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.
KYK 1.2 The tournament organisers reserve the rights to alter or amend the running schedule if necessary and make decisions on any matters arising during the tournament, including any matters not covered by the tournament regulations.
KYK 1.3 The London Youth Games Kayak Slalom competition will follow the transgender guidance outlined in the British Canoeing Transgender and Transsexual Policy.
KYK 2 Age Category
KYK 2.1 The following age groups and respective maximum date of births will apply to the London Youth Games Kayak Sprint Competition:
Race: | Age Category | Oldest DOB | Youngest DOB* |
50m Male | U12 | 01/09/2011 | N/A |
50m Female | U12 | 01/09/2011 | N/A |
50m Male | U15 | 01/09/2008 | N/A |
50m Female | U15 | 01/09/2008 | N/A |
50m Male | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
50m Female | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
200m Male | U14 | 01/09/2009 | N/A |
200m Female | U14 | 01/09/2009 | N/A |
200m Male | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
200m Female | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
*Competitors are permitted to race in whichever age group they wish, so long as they meet the eligibility criteria outlined, and are of the appropriate ability and experience to do so.
KYK 2.2 Competitors are not permitted to enter this competition if they are ineligible. No exceptions will be made.
KYK 2.3 It is the responsibility of competitors/parents/team managers/local authority staff to ensure all competitors details are entered correctly at the time of submission, and that they are eligible to compete for their borough under the London Youth Games Games Rules, and in accordance with the age groups outlined for the competition.
KYK 2.4.1 In the instance a competitor is found to be ineligible, they will be disqualified from the competition entirely, and the borough will receive a points penalty as per the Games Rules.
KYK 3 Squad Size Boroughs are permitted to enter 1 competitor and 1 reserve per race, per gender. This provides each borough with a maximum of 20 competitors.
KYK 3.1 Boroughs are permitted to bring one competitor per race, per gender (10 competitors) on the day of the event.
KYK 3.2 Boroughs are also permitted to bring additional squad members above and beyond the 10 allowed if they are non-scoring para-paddlers (KYK 6.2).
KYK 4 Kit & Equipment
KYK 4.1 For the 50m races, sit-on kayaks will be provided. For 200m races, sit-in kayaks will be provided.
KYK 4.2 Buoyancy aids and safety helmets must always be worn by all competitors whilst on the water, failure to do so would lead to disqualification.
KYK 4.2.1 There will be a small selection of buoyancy aids, helmets and paddles available, however, we encourage competitors to bring their own.
KYK 5 Competition Format
KYK 5.1 Race distances will be over 50m and 200m in the age categories listed below;
Race: | Age Category: |
50m Male | U12 |
50m Female | U12 |
50m Male | U15 |
50m Female | U15 |
50m Male | U17 |
50m Female | U17 |
200m Male | U14 |
200m Female | U14 |
200m Male | U17 |
200m Female | U17 |
KYK 5.2 As per rule ‘KYK 2 Age Category’ competitors are permitted to race in whichever age group they wish, so long as they meet the eligibility criteria outlined.
KYK 5.2.1 Boroughs/Team managers should ensure any participant possesses the required skill level to compete in the older age group. LYG will not accept responsibility for any participant of a younger age group being injured if racing up.
KYK 5.2.2 Competitors will only be eligible for final positions and medals in the race for which they have entered.
KYK 5.3 All races will be time trial format, with as many heats as required for each competitor to lodge a time.
KYK 5.4 Time trial heats are drawn at random with published start time/programme.
KYK 5.5 Finals The competitors who gain the top 12 fastest times will proceed to A and B finals.
5.5.1 The ‘A final’ will consist of the top 6 fastest times across the heats and competitors will compete for positions 1-6
5.5.2 The ‘B’ final will consist of the next respective 6 fasted times across the heats and competitors will compete for positions 7-12. No medals will be awarded for B finals.
KYK 6 Competition Rules
KYK 6.1 Each competitor must be clearly identified with the correct number on their kayak. These will be provided on the day.
KYK 6.2 ParaGames Paddle-Ability entries:
KYK 6.2.1 This competition welcomes athletes with a disability to race in the medal’s events listed above.
KYK 6.2.2 Borough teams are invited to nominate these athletes as scoring (part of the maximum 10 on the day, 1 per event) or as non-scoring (1 addition per event).
KYK 6.2.3 If the athlete enters as non-scoring they will race in the medal event with non-disabled athletes, yet medal separately.
KYK 6.2.4 Support craft or paddlers can follow competitors down the course to give paddling guidance if required (notify organiser on the day).
KYK 6.3 The same competitor from the time trial heats must compete in the respective final.
KYK 6.4 No external footage will be taken into consideration to determine the finishing positions in each race other than that of the Race Judge and Competition Director.
KYK 6.5 Competitors will start in a ‘held’ position from a secure rope or floating pontoon.
KYK 6.6 The following rules will apply in regard to lane discipline;
KYK 6.6.1 All competitors are required to line up on the start line with control over their boat, in a straight line.
KYK 6.6.2 Lane clashes may result in a penalty. Penalties will be issued at the discretion of the Lane Judge or Official in the case that a competitor is judged to have materially impeded another competitor by deviating from their lane and/or clashing with another boat or paddle.
KYK 7 Scoring The winning borough will be the one with the lowest points combined across their best 6 races. The rank of each competitor will determine the points e.g. 1st = 1 point, 5th = 5 points etc.
KYK 7.1 Incomplete competition: if the competition is cancelled or suspended, the results from all completed races are combined and used to identify the overall winner.
KYK 7.1.1 At a minimum, three races must be completed to determine overall borough results.
KYK 7.1.2 Tied teams will not be separated once scores from events are combined, except if the top 3 teams have the same number of points, then the highest number of 1st place finishers will be the deciding factor, then 2nd place event finishers and so on.
KYK 7.1.3 If a borough has entered the competition but not an event that is used in the scoring calculation they will be placed in last position.
KYK 8 Medals & Trophies Medals and trophies will be awarded as follows:
KYK 8.1 Overall Borough medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams.
KYK 8.2 Medals awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed competitor in each event (A finals only).
KYK 8.3 Borough trophy awarded to the overall winner.
Download a PDF here – LYG24_Kayak_Slalom_ Info_Rules
KYK 1 The London Youth Games Kayak Slalom competition will run in according to the rules listed below.
KYK 1.1 It will be at the discretion of the event referee and LYG personnel as to the application of these rules, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.
KYK 1.2 The tournament organisers reserve the rights to alter or amend the running schedule if necessary and make decisions on any matters arising during the tournament, including any matters not covered by the tournament regulations.
KYK 1.3 The London Youth Games Kayak Slalom competition will follow the transgender guidance outlined in the British Canoeing Transgender and Transsexual Policy.
KYK 2 Age Category
KYK 2.1 The following age groups and respective maximum date of births will apply to the London Youth Games Kayak Slalom Competition:
Event | Age Category | Oldest DOB | Youngest DOB* |
Senior Male K1 | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
Senior Female K1 | U17 | 01/09/2005 | N/A |
Junior Male K1 | U14 | 01/09/2008 | N/A |
Junior Female K1 | U14 | 01/09/2008 | N/A |
*Competitors are permitted to race up an age group they wish, so long as they meet the eligibility criteria outlined, and are of the appropriate ability and experience to do so.
KYK 2.2 Competitors are not permitted to enter this competition if they are ineligible. No exceptions will be made.
KYK 2.3 It is the responsibility of competitors/parents/team managers/local authority staff to ensure all competitors details are entered correctly at the time of submission, and that they are eligible to compete for their borough under the London Youth Games Games Rules, and in accordance with the age groups outlined for the competition.
KYK 2.4.1 In the instance a competitor is found to be ineligible, they will be disqualified from the competition entirely, and the borough will receive a points penalty as per the Games Rules.
KYK 3 Squad Size Boroughs are permitted to enter a minimum of 1 competitor and a maximum of 4 competitors.
KYK 3.1 Boroughs are permitted to bring all 4 competitors on the day of the event.
KYK 4 Kit & Equipment
KYK 4.1 The following kayaks will be provided by the competition organisers;
- For paddlers up to 85kg: Fox Slalom kayaks. Dimensions: 358cm (length) by 61cm (width), 79x43cm (cockpit), 210 litres (volume).
- For paddlers over 85kg: Acrobat 275 kayaks. Dimensions: 280cm (length), 64.5cm (width), 93x48cm (cockpit), 197 litres (volume).
KYK 4.2 Buoyancy aids and safety helmets must always be worn by all competitors whilst on the water, failure to do so would lead to disqualification.
KYK 4.2.1 There will be a small selection of buoyancy aids, helmets and paddles available, however, we encourage competitors to bring their own.
KYK 4.3 Spray decks may be brought by competitors, none will be provided by the competition organisers. It is the Team Managers responsibility to ensure they fit the cockpit and all paddlers are proficient in the case of a capsize.
KYK 5 Competition Format
KYK 5.1 There will be two courses laid out, a junior and senior course.
KYK 5.2 Each competitor will take two runs.
KYK 5.3 The aim is to navigate the course through the suspended gates in the correct order without touching the gates, in the quickest time possible.
KYK 5.4 Juniors can race up to the senior event.
KYK 5.4.1 Boroughs/Team managers should ensure any participant possesses the required skill level to compete in the older age group. LYG will not accept responsibility for any participant of a younger age group being injured if racing up.
KYK 5.4.2 Competitors will only be eligible for final positions and medals in the event for which they have entered.
KYK 6 Competition Rules
KYK 6.1 The course will have 7 suspended gates. A standard slalom course has been designed by British Canoeing – a copy of the slalom course will be published online prior to the event.
KYK 6.2 Gates are to be completed in the correct order and direction as shown on the course layout.
KYK 6.3 The time starts when the trunk of the body passes through the start line and stops when it passes through the finish line.
KYK 6.4 A 50 second penalty will be given for the following;
KYK 6.4.1 Should a competitor miss a gate, or attempt a gate in the wrong direction, a 50 second penalty will be added to the time.
KYK 6.4.2 A gate is deemed to be missed if the kayaker’s body does not pass on the correct side of the gate or if the hanging gates are displaced by more than 45 degrees.
KYK 6.4.3 Should a competitor attempt a gate out of order, a 50 second penalty will be added per gate missed to the final time.
KYK 6.5 A 2 second penalty will be given for the following;
KYK 6.5.1 Should a competitor touch either or both poles of the active gate, a 2 second penalty will be added to the run time.
KYK 6.5.2 Once gate has been successfully completed or touched, the gate is no longer eligible for a further 2 second penalty.
KYK 6.5.3 Each gate can be completed with no penalty, a 2 second penalty or a 50 second penalty.
KYK 6.6 Each Team Manager is responsible for getting competitors ready at the designated muster area, so that competitors can be shown to the next available boat after each run.
KYK 6.7 In the event of a dispute it will be referred to the Competition Jury, made up of three neutral officials.
KYK 6.8 Once released by the finisher, the competitor must return promptly to the boat marshalling area. Please be aware other events finish in the same areas.
KYK 6.9 Practice runs will not be available, however there will be a demonstration of the course before the competition starts.
KYK 6.10 In the event of insufficient time available for all competitors to have a second run, only the fastest 50% of canoeists will perform a second run.
KYK 7 Scoring Run times will be recorded to one decimal place (e.g. 61.3 seconds). The best time (including penalties) will determine the competitor’s position.
KYK 7.1 In the event of a tie in individual results, the fastest 2nd run will determine the placing.
KYK 7.2 Team results are calculated from the combined times of the fastest 3 competitors.
KYK 7.3 Incomplete competition: if the competition is cancelled or suspended, the following steps will be used to calculate a final result;
- Results from all completed events are combined and used to identify the overall winner.
- Event types: male junior, female junior, male senior and female senior.
- Minimum requirements: to determine a completed event, 1 run is required. To determine a result for the competition, 1 event must be completed.
- Tied teams will not be separated once scores from events are combined, except if the top 3 teams have the same number of points, then the highest number of 1st place finishers will be the deciding factor, then 2nd place event finishers and so on.
KYK 8 Medals & Trophies Medals and trophies will be awarded as follows:
KYK 8.1 Overall Borough medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams.
KYK 8.2 Medals awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed competitor in each event.
KYK 8.3 Borough trophy awarded to the overall winner.