Rules and Regulations: Primary Golf (Schools)
Download a PDF here – LYG24_Primary_Golf_Info_Guidance V2
GOL 1 The School Games Primary Golf Competition will be run in accordance with The Golf Foundation Golf Skills Competition Festival.
GOL 1.1 Should any guidance listed below contradict those outlined by The Golf Foundation, this guidance should be followed.
GOL 1.2 It will be at the discretion of the Event Referee and LYG personnel as to the application of this guidance, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.
GOL 2 Age Category
GOL 2.1 The following age groups and respective minimum/maximum date of births will apply to the School Games Primary Golf Festival:
Age Category | Oldest DOB | Youngest DOB | Likely School Year |
7 – 9 years old | 01/09/2014 | 31/08/2016 | Year 3 – 4 |
GOL 2.1. Participants should not enter this festival if they are ineligible.
GOL 2.1.1 Should a school wish to bring a participant who does not meet the eligibility criteria, a request should be made in writing to LYG.
GOL 2.2 It is the responsibility of teachers and SGOs to ensure participants details are entered correctly at the time of submission.
GOL 2.2.1 In the instance a participant is found to be ineligible, the participant may be asked to cease taking part.
GOL 3 Eligibility Criteria
GOL 3.1 Competition Tier: Aspire
GOL 3.1.1 Competition Intent: Developmental event which will focus on extending children and young people’s knowledge & understanding of a particular sport using station based or non-scoring games formats. The measure of success is determined by demonstrating sporting values or through the accrual of team best scores. Local qualifying festivals may be used as a selection process to these events but is not mandatory.
GOL 3.1.2 Player Eligibility: Aimed at children and young people who are new to the sport and are not currently receiving regular coaching outside of school but may be more likely to take that step as a result of attending the event. Ideal for pupils who may be active and have basic competence but are not representing school teams.
GOL 3 Squad Size Schools should bring a team of 10 participants.
GOL 4 Kit & Equipment All equipment is provided by the festival providers.
GOL 5 Game ‘Rules’ The festival includes a minimum of 8 stations. Each team rotates to take part in each activity across a 5-minute play time.
GOL 5.1 The skills stations may include a selection of those from the Golf Foundation Golfway Toolkit, as well as including newly developed stations – guidance will be provided on the day in terms of specific station focuses.
GOL 5.1.2 The competition organiser may include additional stations and alter time per station, depending on number of entries.
GOL 5.1.3 Participants and teachers must remain in the assigned safety zone during the competition.
GOL 6 Scoring The festival will be run as a ‘My Personal Best Challenge’, as outlined in the Golfway toolkit.
GOL 6.1 Participants will get minimum of two tries at each station, with the aim to beat their personal best score on each try.
GOL 6.2 Teachers or SGOs will track participants’ progress on each station, and should encourage practicing or learning new skills in between each attempt.
GOL 6.3 Teams will be scored on Team Best and School Games values with a salver awarded.