Rules and Regulations: Trampolining (Open)
Download a PDF version of the rules here – LYG24_Trampolining_Info_Rules_v3
TRA 1 The London Youth Games Trampolining Competition will be run in accordance with British Gymnastics rules.
TRA 1.1 Should any rules listed below contradict those outlined by British Gymnastics, these rules will supersede those.
TRA 1.2 It will be at the discretion of the event referee and LYG personnel as to the application of these rules, and any subsequent decision made as a result will be final.
TRA 1.3 London Youth Games Trampolining competition will follow the transgender guidance outlined in the British Gymnastics Policy for the participation of trans people in gymnastics competition.
TRA 2 Age Category
TRA 2.1 The following age groups and respective minimum/maximum date of births will apply to the London Youth Games Trampolining Competition;
Age Category | Oldest DOB | Youngest DOB |
U17 | 01/09/2006 | 28/01/2017 |
TRA 2.1. Competitors are not permitted to enter this competition if they are ineligible. No exceptions will be made.
TRA 2.2 It is the responsibility of competitors/parents/team managers/local authority staff to ensure all competitors details are entered correctly at the time of submission, and that they are eligible to compete for their borough under the London Youth Games Games Rules, and in accordance with the age groups and membership criteria outlined for the competition.
TRA 2.2.1 In the instance a competitor is found to be ineligible, they will be disqualified from the competition entirely, and the borough will receive a points penalty as per the Games Rules.
TRA 3 Squad Size Boroughs are permitted to enter a maximum of 2 competitors per competition tier and gender i.e. 2 competitors in Novice Girls, 2 competitors in Novice Boys, 2 competitors in Intermediate Girls, 2 competitors in Intermediate Boys, 2 competitors in Expert Girls, 2 competitors in Expert Boys, 2 competitors in Para Category 1 Girls, 2 competitors in Para Category 1 Boys, 2 competitors in Para Category 2 Girls and 2 competitors in Para Category 2 Boys.
TRA 3.1 Boroughs are permitted to bring all competitors entered in each competition tier and gender to the event on the day.
TRA 3.2 If boroughs have more than 8 Para competitors, please contact London Youth Games to see if they can be accommodated.
TRA 4 Para Category
TRA 4.1.1 Competitors participating in the Para Category will compete the assigned novice tier routines outlined below in TRA 5.1.1 & TRA 5.1.2
TRA 4.1.3 The Para Category will be non-scoring.
TRA 4.1.4 Verbal or visual assistance by a coach is permitted during the competition routine and will not result in any penalty points.
TRA 4.1.5 Some participants may present with a medical condition that in some cases may be linked to disability and will either need to seek medical advice through their GP prior to participation or should not participate in trampolining. This includes, but is not limited to;
- Detaching Retina
- Confirmed Atlanto Axial Instability (common in those with Down’s Syndrome)
- Rodded back
- Brittle bones
- Dwarfism
Please refer to the British Gymnastics – Health, Safety & Welfare Guidance if you have any concerns around participation in this event.
TRA 4.1.6 Competitors will be split in to two categories based on the disability groups identified by the London Youth Games Impairment Grid.
- Category 1: Learning disabilities – LYG impairment groups G4 and G5
- Category 2: Physical and sensory disabilities – LYG impairment groups G1, G2, G3a, G3b
TRA LYG reserve the right to combine Para categories due to low numbers however medals will be awarded separately as per the competition classes outlined.
TRA 5 Competition Tiers Competitors must compete a compulsory exercise and a voluntary exercise as per the competition tier routine requirements outlined below;
TRA 5.1 Novice Tier and Para Categories:
TRA 5.1.1 Competitors competing in the Novice Tier & Para Categories must complete the below compulsory exercise for which they will receive scores in execution, horizontal displacement and time of flight:
1. Straddle jump
2. Seat landing 3. To feet 4. Tuck jump 5. Half twist jump 6. Pike jump 7. Seat landing 8. Half twist to feet 9. Tuck jump 10. Full twist 0.40 difficulty score |
TRA 5.1.2 Novice & Para Category athletes must complete one of the below voluntary exercise routines for which they will receive scores in execution, horizontal displacement, time of flight and difficulty.
BG Club 1 | BG Club 2 |
1. Front landing
2. To feet 3. Straddle jump 4. Seat landing 5. To feet 6. Half twist jump 7. Tuck jump 8. Pike jump 9. Back landing 10. To feet 0.50 difficulty score |
1. Half twist to front landing
2. To feet 3. Straddle jump 4. Seat landing 5. Half twist to seat landing 6. Half twist to feet 7. Tuck jump 8. Pike jump 9. Back landing 10. Half twist to feet 0.80 difficulty score |
TRA 5.2 Intermediate Tier:
TRA 5.2.1 Competitors competing in the Intermediate Tier must complete the below compulsory exercise for which they will receive scores in execution, horizontal displacement and time of flight:
- Full twist jump
- Straddle jump
- Seat landing
- Half twist to seat landing
- Half twist to feet
- Pike jump
- Back landing
- Half twist to feet
- Tuck jump
- Front s/s (T)
1.20 difficulty score
TRA 5.2.2 Intermediate athletes must complete one of the below voluntary exercise routines for which they will receive scores in execution, horizontal displacement, time of flight and difficulty.
Level 1 | Level 2 |
1. Back s/s (T)
2. Straddle jump 3. Seat landing 4. Half twist to feet 5. 1/2 twist jump 6. Pike jump 7. Back landing 8. Half twist to feet 9. Tuck jump 10. Front s/s (P) 1.60 difficulty score |
1. Back s/s (S)
2. Straddle jump 3. Back s/s (T) 4. Barani (T) 5. Half twist jump 6. Tuck jump 7. Back s/s to seat landing (T) 8. Half twist to feet 9. Pike jump 10. Front s/s (P) 3.0 Difficulty score |
TRA 5.3 Expert Tier:
TRA 5.3.1 Competitors competing in the Expert Tier must complete the below compulsory exercise for which they will receive scores in execution, horizontal displacement and time of flight:
1. Back s/s (S)
2. Barani (S) 3. Straddle jump 4. Back s/s (P) 5. Barani (P) 6. Tuck jump 7. Barani (T) 8. Back s/s (T) 9. Pike jump 10. Front s/s (P) 4.1 Difficulty score |
TRA 5.3.2 There are no prescribed voluntary routines for Expert athletes however they must meet the following criteria:
- Difficulty capped at 5.0.
- If a competitor fails to meet the minimum degree of difficulty then they will receive a 2.0 penalty per complete (10 element) exercise.
- Degree of difficulty per element is capped at 1.1
TRA 5.4 The competition will use the BG/FIG 2022-24 Code of Points
TRA 6 Clothing & Equipment
TRA 6.1 Clothing Attire The event will adopt the British Gymnastics Clothing Attire At Events Policy.
6.1.1 Boys compulsory dress is as follows:
- Sleeveless or short sleeved leotard*
- Gymnastics shorts or gym trousers in a single colour*
*This does not need to match other athletes in your team
- Socks or gymnastics shoes
- Long hair should be tied back
6.1.2 Girls compulsory dress is as follows:
- Leotard or unitard may be worn with or without sleeves (must be skin tight)*
*This does not need to match other athletes in your team
- Socks or gymnastics shoes
- Long hair should be tied back
- Optional dress:
- Long tights, leggings or gymnastics shorts may be worn
- Suitable head covering (gymnasts may wear alternative competition attire in accordance with their particular faith, belief or religion (including head coverings) with the proviso that the Lead Coach or Coach has assessed the risk associated with this and has taken any suitable mitigating action(s), where applicable, to ensure the highest standards of safety are upheld. The element of risk should be explained to the gymnast and parent/guardian and every attempt to control the risk should be adopted. Further safety information can be found in the British Gymnastics Health & Safety Guidance: Safe Coaching.
6.1.3 Additional Novice, Intermediate and Para Category only (NOT Expert):
- Participants may wear tight fitting sport shorts and a tight-fitting t-shirttucked into the shorts if they wish, in addition to or instead of a unitard or leotard as in the compulsory dress above.
- Any shorts or t-shirts that are assessed by LYG to be unsafe will not be accepted and the participant will be withdrawn from the competition.
TRA 6.2 Equipment Trampoline beds will be Eurotramp 4x4mm and 4x6mm beds (category dependent). It is the Team Managers/Coaches responsibility to ensure your athletes are familiar with this equipment.
TRA 7 Memberships Each competitor and coach must hold a valid British Gymnastics Membership to compete in this competition.
TRA 7.1 Membership numbers will be collected at squad nomination and validated by British Gymnastics prior to the competition.
TRA 7.1.1 It is the responsibility of competitors/parents/team managers/local authority staff to ensure all competitor and coach details are entered on time and correctly at submission. It will be at the discretion of LYG to withdraw competitors if valid memberships are not provided.
TRA 7.2 Each team must be accompanied throughout the competition by at least one lead coach who must hold a minimum of British Gymnastics Gold Membership and must be qualified to the level of skills being performed by their competitors.
TRA 7.2.1 A team will not be allowed to warm up or compete unless an adequately qualified coach has signed in and is present in the competition arena.
TRA 8 Officials Each team must provide two British Gymnastics qualified judges. Judges may be used in any capacity and must be available all day. Trampoline judge courses are provided by British Gymnastics and can be found:
TRA 8.1 It is not permissible for judges to officiate for more than one borough.
TRA 8.2 If a borough cannot provide two judges, they must provide a supporting volunteer who may be used in any capacity.
TRA 8.2 If a borough does not nominate a suitably qualified judge or supporting volunteer at the time of online entry, the organisers reserve the right to withdraw the borough from the competition.
TRA 8.3 In the event of a borough arriving at the competition without their nominated judge or volunteer, the borough may face disqualification.
TRA 9 Scoring Overall borough results will be across both genders. The Para Category will be non-scoring (refer to TRA 4.1.3). All other competition tiers are eligible to contribute to a boroughs overall score for the event, but only the top 8 competitor placings across any gender or tier will be combined to calculate a borough’s overall score. The lowest combined placings across the 8 competitors will be deemed the winner (1st = 1 point, 2nd = 2 points, etc.)
TRA 9.1 If a borough does not have 8 competitors, 100 points will be added for each no score ranking. E.G. a borough only has 6 competitors in their team, the 7th and 8th placings will receive 100 points each to create their overall score.
TRA 9.2 In the instance that two or more borough teams are eligible for a podium finish are tied in overall score, then the highest number of first placings will be the deciding factor, then second placings and so on.
TRA 10 Medals & Trophies Medals and trophies will be awarded as follows;
TRA 10.1 Individuals who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in each respective competition tier, per gender, will be awarded medals.
TRA 10.2 Overall Borough Teams who receive the top final respective positions will be awarded medals (refer to TRA 9 for more details on scoring) and a trophy for the winning team.